Morning Glory – The glory of life by Elizabeth Elive

The author captures the concept of beauty in nature as she watches the marvel of the early morning light transforming her garden. Each leaf kept its position and reflected the light in a specific way.

Everybody too is apportioned a specific place in this world for the fulness of God’s glory to be fully displayed. Keep your position.


The sun shines with radiant brightness.
The garden adorned with splendid jewels of light,
Dripping through foliage and tree trunks.

Set in a position so unique, each leaf emits a beauty so specific, In fraction or the whole.

By its own exposure,
Silently, gracefully,
Each light beam
Is caught in the rhythm of the early morning breeze,
Turning every reflection into a thousand copies of its kind.

Ah, what beauty!
What mingling of unique beams of light and shafts,
To form a kaleidoscopic array of colours!

My morning is transformed,
My inner self elated.
Though the world still lies sedated
In peaceful morning slumber!
The world’s greatest lessons emerge!
They burst forth in nature,
As the small and the great,
The whole and the fraction,
All hold out their best uniquely
At the whisper of their maker
And new life sparks with splendour.
The praise of glory is complete!

How could this be, but for your positioning – Specific and unique?
Keeping sentry where you must –
In your own place?

Aha! Joy issues to the world
’cause you make that difference!
Bowing to God’s knowledge of you.

T’is not for amounts He cares;
Nor achievements, great or small,
But for the will to reflect the beaming light of the Sun of Justice
From your position,
Your unique call.
Not to be filled by another!
Elizabeth Elive



Comments 1

  1. Rose says:

    OMG, how the GLORY OF THE MORNING BY LIZ REMINDS ME OF CERTAIN POEMS BY WILLIAM WWORTH. This is amazing Liz. I have always known that you are a profilic writer. As you said, everyone should embrace the task he/she is designed to do. Great!

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