About us


Your brand-new website is here! As the catch phrase goes, We Capture Truth and Mediate transformation to all.  It explores truth in Art and culture, poetry and proverbs, stories and riddles. Religion, politics and social issues have a role to play here. These are the narrators of our story, they lay bare our aspirations and they endeavour to tackle them.  

The proverbs and stories you find on this website combine to present the wisdom of the old, while our poetry, art and culture reveal that same wisdom as consistent today. That is what culture is about in Africa and the world over. The theological essays and reflections you find here, challenge the student of theology, but they offer more.  By introducing participation in a Zoom Charismatic prayer group, called Come as you are, we are extending a hand of welcome to all and calling on people to discover that theology and religion culminate in a veritable dialogue with God that leads to spiritual encounter with Him. The world searches for this.  God is the Centre, so we are fully committed to the search for Truth from this dimension, but we do not exclude those of a different tradition. Come, let us explore meaning in our lives together.    

Politics reveal the ground on which the ordinary individual in society treads.  It portrays their hopes and aspirations, plus,the forces that seek to stabilise and those that destabilise.  Politics cannot be ignored.  Great statemen and women, will be quoted here,and so will politicians who have the good of everyone at heart. 

The Prayer Group : Membership is largely from the UK but others have been joining from other parts of Europe. All are welcome. 

Stories Proverbs and Riddles : Presently our stories are from the Bakweri Tribe in the Southern Cameroons. Contribution is welcome from everywhere.

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