In the Land of his childhood dreams by Elizabeth Elive

By Elizabeth EliveI met Samson, The latest employee in the firm. His kindly rounded face With eyes lit up by a thousand twinkling stars, Albeit in the glare of the midday sun, Turned towards me in a gentle gaze. His manner was cordial.The smile thatQuickly spread across the width of his face, Was genial.It could melt a mountain of hard ice,Harder than a hardened heart! A cluster of sparkling teeth Peering through the parted lips, Fitted closely like an ivory piece. Samson bowed towards me Seemingly to sealThe ultimate expression of a gentleman - The lesson learnt at schoolAbout the land of his childhood dreams. The man carried a massive weight about his waist That flapped and crashed against...

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Morning Glory – The glory of life by Elizabeth Elive

The author captures the concept of beauty in nature as she watches the marvel of the early morning light transforming her garden. Each leaf kept its position and reflected the light in a specific way. Everybody too is apportioned a specific place in this world for the fulness of God's glory to be fully displayed. Keep your position. ....................................................................................................... The sun shines with radiant brightness.The garden adorned with splendid jewels of light,Dripping through foliage and tree trunks. Set in a position so unique, each leaf emits a beauty so specific, In fraction or the whole. By its own exposure,Silently, gracefully,Each light beamIs caught in the rhythm of the early morning breeze,Turning every reflection into a thousand copies of its...

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Strangers but kin, in pursuit of a common goal! (By Elizabeth Elive)

We recognised our common bond That moment our heads rose in unison A fresh breath of air to sniff, To sooth our palpitating hearts. “Ah, how are you, sister?” The beaming face staring up at mine, Told a thousand words Of surprise, gratitude and uncertainty. Those eloquent, muted words sank into the depth of my soul. I watched the beam of light Spread from her eyes Like a flame, Until her face and my mine became the same. I offered the assuring hand and, Her mobile phone came clashing to the ground Sounding hollow, but loud – Its turn was up, that repetitive music that bores - As the real, the genuine, the hand of friendship Spreads towards the...

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