
Welcome to Truth Revealed Transforms - Student Resources

As this website develops, we are identifying more areas that can serve our public.

This section introduces simple resources for students on subjects that interest our readers. Our first subject in this series is Teacher’s Training: PTLLS (Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector) level 3. As this course was done in the UK by the author, all our references are from the UK. You are encouraged to find out the laws of your own country governing issues like Data Protection, Freedom of Information Act, Inclusion, etc.
You are reminded that Plagiarism is not allowed and can lead to problems for you. Plagiarism is copying and using other people’s material such as this, without reference to and acknowledgement of the owner. 

The author, J. Wilson, quoted often in the text, was our class teacher who contributed a lot to our studies. The quotations with her name are often class notes rather than published books. Great appreciation to you, J Wilson and for your dedication to your hard work teaching teachers.

Are you a teacher or aspiring to become one? Are you on the PTLLS (Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector) level 3 course? You will find the following notes useful. You are welcome to read them as resources. Please include correct references. 
Author: Elizabeth Elive Institution: 
Harrow College, London UK,
Updated 2024


Methods of giving feedback

According to the Web page Radcliff-Oxford.com, feedback is an “important concept of education” which can “make or break any educational activity” (Web page (wp) 1).

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The Teacher – Responsibilities

Describing the role, responsibilities and boundaries of the teacher in terms of the teaching/training cycle.The Teaching/training circle comprises the following stages which I innumerate here

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Student ground rules

Valuable Teachers’ ResourcesAre you a teacher or aspiring to become one? Are you on the PTLLS (Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector), you

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